Highly Educated Control Tower w/ SE Pillar

Size: 10/90
Sale price$379.99


Each Control Tower comes with an SE Pillar, but does not come with any capping device. 

The SE micro texture on the pillar is the heart of the function. The SE texture evenly distributes oil and acts as a nucleation rolling pin. The Control Tower does not require a large vacuum to get the pillar to spin. HE developed a process that allows the pillar to spin under a very light vacuum. Couple this with the small diameter tubing and the pillar is able to achieve incredible RPMs, even when coated with oil. The more RPMs the more times the pillar is able to pass, distribute, and evaporate the oil. When the pillar is able to do this thousands of times in a single breath the efficiency is noticeable.


  • Highly Educated Control Tower
  • Highly Educated SE Pillar

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